Fees must be paid prior to the start date of the program.
The program fees are non-refundable. In the case of exceptional medical circumstances, the LEAP Team may make an exception upon the submission of a medical certificate and approval from the LEAP management.
Parents must book slots via the Parent portal. Selection of slots via the portal does not guarantee slot timings.
Gymnasts are eligible for five make-up sessions per term (apart from the Summer Term where you will receive 2 make-up sessions), regardless of your child's weekly enrolment. The make-up classes must be scheduled via the Parent Portal.
Parents must ensure at least 75% attendance by the gymnast.
Holidays for the term are public in the Parent Portal.
Parents should not interfere with the training session in any manner. Any concerns can be discussed with the coach by appointment.
The LEAP Team reserves the right to revise the program fee and term length at its discretion. Parents will be informed prior to any revisions.
Parents must ensure that their children adhere to all the safety protocols and guidelines mentioned in the Parent Handbook shared by the LEAP Team.
I hereby acknowledge and agree that there may be some inherent risk of injury associated with my child's participation in gymnastics and sports-related physical activities provided by LEAP Gymnastics Academy operated by JSW Sports Recharge Pvt Ltd ("JSW") and participation in any training or competition may expose my child to personal or bodily injury, including death, disability (permanent or temporary), injury or loss of limb.
I hereby waive any right, action, claim or demand against JSW, its affiliates, sponsors, advertisers, consultants, officers, directors, team managers, employees, drivers, agents, heirs, successors and assignees, arising out of or in connection with my child's participation in any training or competition organized by JSW or a third party.
I understand and voluntarily agree to assume any and all of the liability and risks of my child participating/competing in any training or competition organized by JSW or a third party.
I acknowledge that JSW will not be liable for any injury, damage or loss (including any physical injury) caused to me or my child.
I understand that an inherent risk of exposure to infectious diseases exists in any public place where people are present. By enrolling in LEAP Gymnastics Academy, I voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to an infectious disease including but not limited to, influenza & COVID-19.
I am aware that gymnastics involves incidental contact with other children and staff and that LEAP Gymnastics Academy programs will operate as per government guidelines related to Covid-19, but even with best efforts and intentions there will be times when the children may breach the prescribed recommendations.
I hereby testify that my child is qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate. I give my permission to LEAP Gymnastics Academy to procure medical attention for my child in the event of an injury, incident, and/or illness to my child while participating in LEAP Gymnastics Academy's activities which, in the opinion of a para-medic or a medically trained practitioner, requires urgent medical attention and a parent, legal guardian or any given emergency contact are not available.
The LEAP Gymnastics Academy staff will physically assist/spot when they believe that this would improve safety and performance, and will also provide assistance in the event of an injury. I understand and agree that physical assistance/ spotting will be a part of the process at LEAP Gymnastics Academy and I agree to permit the LEAP staff to physically assist my child whenever they believe this assistance is needed.
I have read and understood the terms and conditions stated above and accept the same.